Holland Bar Stool Air and Bubble Hockey Tables
Holland Bar Stool Company is based in Holland, Michigan. They offer American made products and they manufacture and ship their furniture products from Michigan all over the world. They typically use woods made out of the finest solid Red Appalachian Oak or solid hardwood maple. They also use quality plating grade steel for the metal in their products. Holland Bar Stool Co. is an expert in marketing furniture pieces and have realized that table games are typically in basements or man caves. These basements are areas where families gather to play games and watch sports. In partnership with Olhausen Billiards and Performance Games, they have produced a line of NHL and collegiate products where you can get your favorite hockey or college team's logo on the side wall of your air or bubble hockey table. Holland Bar Stool also offers these logo products on their foosball table line.
Holland Bar Stool Air Hockey Table Model
Holland Bar Stool Bubble Hockey Table Model